
Animals in tidal pools
Animals in tidal pools

animals in tidal pools

With the creation of the south coast boardwalk, several more tide pools have emerged. This zone is predominantly inhabited by seaweed and invertebrates, such as sea anemones, sea star, chitons, crabs, green algae, and mussels. Sea grass is an important part of the ecological chain providing food and shelter to many species and protecting the ocean floor from erosion, with a mess of fine fibrous roots that hold the sand in place against the shifting tides. The individual strands look just like savanna grass but they do not cluster as closely.

animals in tidal pools

These are beds of sea grass growing under the water. There are often soft brown shaded areas seen around tidal pools. Nature's interventions such as this keep the angels on their toes. Invertebrates are a diverse group of animals including many phyla and classes. Occasionally the larger deep water species like the kingfish will come in to feed and eat an angel or two. Most of the animals in the tide pool are invertebrates - animals without backbones. Encased in a rough, circular, white shell, this small crustacean glues itself. Mostly they are small grunts, squirrel and angel fish. One of the most common tidal pool animals in Maine, the barnacle is often overlooked because it’s tiny and immobile. Tidal pools and their surrounding coral can support hundreds of fish and plant species. The Barbados government protects the island's natural shoreline and its preservation is the responsibility of the Coastal Zone Management Unit. Inshore reefs and tidal pools are important fishing grounds for the men who cast nets, set fish traps and spear fish to feed their families.

Animals in tidal pools